"For me, being a psychologist is
a calling. I am passionate about what I do."
I have spent most of my professional life working as a clinical psychologist and researcher in rural and city settings in several countries. After living in Melbourne for over a decade, I moved to the Wimmera several years ago due to the draw of the community and the great outdoors.
I enjoy working with adults who are experiencing a range of difficulties from day to day stressors to more serious mental health challenges. My areas of expertise include managing stress, anxiety, depression, life-transitions, trauma and psychotic experiences. My therapeutic style is collaborative. I will work with you to create a shared understanding of the problem. I will support you to discover what works best for you and to make changes that will meaningfully impact your life. Depending on your needs therapy can be brief (less then 10 sessions), medium or longer-term.
I specialise in using Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) since travelling to Europe several years ago to train with its founder, Professor Paul Gilbert, OBE. I continue to receive supervision from Prof. Gilbert on a regular basis. CFT focuses on building an inner capacity to respond more wisely and kindly to life’s difficulties.
In addition, I have undertaken mindfulness training in Australia (Monash University and Openground) as well as compassion training in the the United States. I have trained with Dr Kristin Neff and Dr Christopher Germer, two of the world’s leading teachers in the field of mindfulness and self-compassion.
I hold a part-time Research Fellow position with The University of Melbourne. My colleagues and I obtained a small internal grant from the Contemplative Studies Centre to evaluate a mindfulness and compassion group program with youth in the Wimmera. I also hold an Adjunct Research Fellow position with Monash University and a Honorary Associate position with the University of Sydney. I have numerous national and international journal publications and have co-authored book chapters.
I work with clients who would like support with a wide range of issues including:
Stress and burn out
Grief and loss
Adjustment difficulties
Long-term health conditions
Psychosis and Schizophrenia